Are You Seeking God’s Anointing?

How to experience an anointed life

Have you ever felt like you were “in flow” and your words came out with ease and power? Or during a conversation with a nonbeliever you had just the right questions and ideas to share? Or had scripture verses right there on your tongue? Have you ever had a surge of creativity, solved a knotty problem, or gotten a wonderful new insight? Shared a prophecy or word of knowledge that was right on the mark? Times like this are so exhilarating! We feel like we are operating at a level beyond our usual selves, because we are! What we are experiencing is God’s anointing, a wonderful gift He is delighted to give to His children.

I know this feeling well. Under the anointing I function at a higher, more effective level.  It isn’t my abilities, but the anointing that gives power to my prayers.  When God has anointed my prayers I have seen miracles: color vision restored, incurable diseases, broken bones, cardiac disease, injured backs, knees, ankles and shoulders, and GI problems healed.  As followers of Jesus we should all desire to have God’s anointing for our life and ministry. The question is – How do we develop and maintain an anointed lifestyle?  Below is how the Lord explained living under the anointing to me.