The Secret to Loving Like Jesus – Part 4

How Childlike Faith Helps us Receive God’s Love

In my last few posts I have been sharing how God has been answering the question of how to love like Jesus.  The answer is that we must personally receive and experience God’s love first.  All true love is birthed out of His love for us.

This past Easter weekend I watched the movie of C. S. Lewis’ classic book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  What a perfect movie for Resurrection Day, as it showed the power of Jesus’s sacrificial death and resurrection!

One thing that really moved me was Lucy, the youngest of the Pevensy children.  Her childlike faith made it possible for her to be the first to believe in the magical land of Narnia, to trust in talking animals and healing oil, and to really know and trust Aslan.  The negative comments, rational thought and logic of her brothers and sister couldn’t sway her–she believed!