When I was first challenged by the Lord to start this blog, I had many questions. I knew that it was not to be just another online journal focusing on my opinions and feelings. But what was it to be about? What was its purpose?
Early on the Lord made it very clear that my postings were to be based on transcriptions of my conversations with Him about my life as a son of the King, living in the kingdom of God. Through the years, He has been teaching me His ways and about living out of His presence each day. So this blog needed to be all about my Kingdom conversations with Jesus.
So what makes this blog different?
- It is not my ideas, but it is His thoughts expressed in and through me, as I experience life with all its pressures, problems, and joys.
- It doesn’t offer solutions or pat answers, but it is God’s perspective on events and issues.
- It is a message from God’s heart that speaks to life’s questions and challenges.
Kingdom Conversations is simply how the Lord sees my life and how His ways establish me as His son and His friend. It is life shared through each day’s journey with the Lord at my side, my life experiences seen through His eyes. It is all about life in His kingdom!
These Kingdom Conversations are my discussions and meditations with God. Many years ago I learned Mark Virkler’s wonderful method of communing with God. I sit quietly in His presence, ask a question, and record the flowing thoughts that I hear in my mind. How do I know that it’s Him speaking and not my own ideas? First, it’s always consistent with the Bible. Second, because, truthfully, I’m not that eloquent a writer. I’m not that kind, insightful, and smart—so it couldn’t be me—it had to be Him.
God’s Kingdom perspectives are the heart of this blog. It is seeing life through the Lord’s eyes, with His life intertwined with mine, the way of a disciple lived out daily. But it’s not just about me—the insights He has given me are for the whole Body of Christ, for anyone who wants to know Jesus better and grow in their relationship with Him.
Here is what the Lord specifically said to me about my blog:
“In your blog, Michael, you are to share the truth that I have fed you. This will be food for all who partake. It is food that lasts, food that satisfies, food that nourishes and strengthens. Freely I have been feeding you words of life. Now, these same delicacies are to be shared for all who are hungry. Your life, your story has been in My hand and is now to be shared for nourishing and feeding to those who desire more. Freely share your victories, your challenges, and My hand upon your life. Share for others to hear, share for others to see that My hand is there for them as well. Share freely, My son; these are words of life and hope. Share with joy and expectation, for you have received what I have for all. Share, Michael, for it is what I have for you to do.”
I hope you will join me on this journey. You can subscribe to receive my posts directly in your email inbox.
I am truly moved by what God has put in your capable hands and look forward to hearing ALL he wishes you to share! God speed Michael!
Hi Cindy, thanks for the encouraging words, I appreciate your comments.
Great to see this blog, Michael! I’ve spent a lot of time encouraging other men to pursue an intimate, rather than academic (“I’ve read the book”) knowledge of God by hearing His voice and engaging in an active conversation. Hopefully others can see from your conversations with the Lord that it is possible AND biblical.
I agree, our goal should be intimate and personal communing with God.