Are You Overwhelmed by the Current Madness in Politics and the Media?

God's Remedy: Prayer!

Does the negative reporting, fake news and politics of personal destruction we see every day in the mainstream news and social media make you angry?  You’re not alone – all this is driving me crazy!  I know it’s important to be aware of current events, but closely following the news and politics daily has not been good for me.  It’s distracting and produces feelings of anger and hopelessness.  Sometimes I become so upset I can’t even pray!  I know that I should be involved with the affairs of our world, but not consumed by them.  What am I supposed to do?  How should I respond as a believer to everything that’s going on?  When I asked the Lord about this, He gave me His perspective and prayer strategy.  (The Lord’s words are in blue)

The power of prayer

Pray about America. Intercede for your country, its leaders, and especially for Donald Trump.  He is a wild man, a loose cannon—but he is also on target and focused. What seems irrational is not his fault. He doesn’t yet fully trust Me. He has begun to turn to Me, but it is new and he is not comfortable waiting on Me. He is not yet comfortable praying. To him this is a sign of weakness.

He believes he can choose good leaders, effective people, who will give good counsel, and then take this counsel and join it to his wisdom and understanding to get his desired results. This only works in worldly situations. However, what he is currently facing is not natural but spiritual. So his natural solutions will not work; only spiritual solutions solve spiritual problems! He needs My wisdom, Solomonic wisdom, to govern well.  Pray for him to seek My counsel directly and through others.

The power of God’s choice

I have placed Donald Trump in the White House; he is My choice.  No other candidate would have beaten Hillary Clinton. He has a unique role: it is to get things done! Right now he is greatly frustrated because he is impeded on three fronts: in Congress, by the news media’s lies, and by lack of understanding of the system of government.

He is used to saying something and it happens; he is used to action, not words and political posturing. He is used to attacking a problem, getting the facts, and then acting. Now his actions are held back by others. However, his actions are making a difference! His actions are causing a combustible reaction that leads to a fire and explosion. Donald Trump is gasoline on a fire—he makes it explode. But this is the only way to move this ungovernable situation called Washington.

So don’t worry if there is fierce opposition. There is more force behind Donald Trump than behind the media and entrenched government. I am behind him! The opposition yells, lies, and tries to hurt him any way they can, but have you seen him stopped? No! He is moving forward, he is overcoming the forces arrayed against him by his sheer determination. All of these attacks have not weakened him but they have instead increased his resolve to overcome.

Don’t worry about what you cannot see. For in the background Donald Trump is at work. His people are at work. All the roaring is noise; he is moving forward even as we speak. He is setting things in motion even though you can’t see them. He is going to be victorious because he is My choice to save America. I created America, but the devil has tried to kill America. For over a hundred years demonic ideas have been gaining strength. This is because of a lack of leaders in every arena of life. But today an army of leaders is arising. Donald is the first to truly take on the enemy of America; he is taking on the cultural war. He is standing against the decay of a hundred years of progressive thought. He is standing against and deflecting the arrows of the progressive mindset. He is opposing lies and distortions that seemed to be set in stone.

The power of truth

Watch as the power of media disintegrates before youLies don’t create strength or victory. Truth is the force that is overcoming the lies of the media. Now truth is just beginning to flow, but the hunger for it is growing. Soon it will be a river and then a torrent. So much truth will be revealed that it will be impossible to stop. Never in history has truth been such a weapon! Only when I walked the earth did truth overwhelm and overcome the devil’s plans and lies so effectively. I only needed three years and 12 men to start a movement to change the world. Donald Trump is such a force. Though he is not elegant or polished, he is true in his words and this truth will overcome the darkness.

Watch as the power masters of Washington and Wall Street fall.  They too have lived in deception, lies, and man-made solutions. Now truth is exposing them. The dark side of the government I created for America is being revealed. While many thought it was evil and overpowering, I am revealing the evil so people will know. As they see this, they will know and overturn it.  Nothing can stop the power of truth.

Truth is coming forth. Truth about the lies and manipulations of power government is being revealed. Men and women are beginning to see. As Trump speaks and acts, the dark side of government is being exposed.  What looks like victories for the enemy are being turned to losses. You think these revelations are not making a difference, but they are. Each one opens the door to expose more. Nothing will remain hidden; everything will be exposed.

We are in a war

I hate lies! I hate those that harm others for their own gain. I hate those who ride on the weakness and lack of others to make a place for themselves. All will be made right.

This is not political—this is war! I never lose. I am neither for one side or the other; I am for truthI am for righteousness. Everyone who has thrived on lies, on deception, on personal power of destruction will be exposed and utterly destroyed. All it takes is a few to stand and speak truth, and to not back down. Notice how plans of darkness are being exposed? Next they will be defeated! For truth triumphs over lies. I AM truth, and My plans for America have not changed. She is to be a light to bring a wave of revival around the world. So it is time to clean up My land here in America so that she can stand for what is right and true. America will stand for Me again. My ways will become an underpinning to support America as an influence for good.

America is not the answer for all the world’s problems, but she is a strong part of My plan. America will strengthen Israel, so that Israel will stand. The focus now is to revive America. But know that My eternal eyes are still on Israel. America is a part of My larger plan to focus all of the earth on Israel. For when every eye is on Israel, it will be time for My return. Today Israel needs America, so I am making America strong again. This is part of My plan.

Your part is to pray, to pray and to enlist others. Your part is to go and make disciples who will live for Me.

I find it so comforting to know how God sees the current situation and how He wants me to respond.  It’s clear that my job is to pray and not worry or get angry.

There are a few things that have helped me.  First, I ration my news and social media input.  I generally only read the headlines and initial paragraph; they have all the salient information.  When I see something that stirs me, I try to pray right then.  I also set aside a time to pray each day for the important topics.  Norma and I pray together and I also have scheduled specific corporate prayer times with friends to intercede for important issues.  I also subscribe to reliable sites for specific prayer topics (like Intercessors for America and POTUS Shield).

How have you dealt with today’s media and the current political situation?  What ways have you discovered to help you pray more effectively?  I would love to hear your comments and experiences.  The more we share how we cope with daily issues, the more we all can benefit and grow in our faith.  You can share your comments below, or ask me any question by emailing me and I will get back to you.

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4 thoughts on “Are You Overwhelmed by the Current Madness in Politics and the Media?

  1. I agreed Michael. As a matter of fact, today I was telling my wife how the news seems to have turned into the National Enquierer, full of “news”, only fake news. It does get overwhelming and I really cannot stand to watch any of it. First of all its not good for my anxiety, and second of all I just plain don’t trust it.

    But the point here is God is control of all of it. Take comfort in the joy of God and not what the media says is going on in the world. And most of all, pray!

    Thanks Michael, your posts are always refreshing.

    • Hi Sean, thanks for the feedback. Yes, our charge is to pray. That is the most powerful tool we have.

    • Hi Tana,

      The post is from my journaling of what the Lord tells me. They are the Lord’s words (those in blue in the post) that I write and share. It’s the same as any prophetic message.