Being Aware of His Presence

What it takes to know that Jesus is with you

Do you ever feel like the men on the road to Emmaus right after Jesus rose from the grave? As they walked along, Jesus walked with them.  However, for much of their journey, they weren’t even aware that it was Him.  They didn’t recognize Jesus’ presence! (see Luke 24: 13-35)

The scriptures are clear that Jesus is with us always, ready to speak into our lives and help with our every need.  However, sometimes I don’t recognize His presence.  When I am oblivious to His nearness I have missed His input into my life.  I believe this is a common experience.  Here is what Jesus told me about discerning His presence (His words are in blue):

I want you with Me always. Right at My side. Today look for Me. Pay attention to the atmosphere, pay attention to your senses.

How do you know when your wife is with you?  By her voice, not only the words, but by the very sound quality. You immediately know because you know her voice. So it is with Me. You know My voice, you know I speak into your conscious mind with spontaneous thoughts and pictures. You also know by the quality of My words when I am right your side.

Many ways to know Jesus’ presence

I speak to you through your senses. The easiest is when you actually see Me. This has been hard for you, but keep looking for Me, and I will reveal Myself to you.

You also can feel Me. Haven’t you noticed the “chill” or the “tingly” sensations when we are close? Pay attention to these feelings. When I am close, My presence actually invades your sensory space. You can feel My presence.

You can smell My presence also. You have done this before. Remember the sweet wine you smelled that day at church? That aroma caused you to pay attention, to consider, to look for Me. It alerted you to My presence, just as physical sensations also alert you to My presence.

So, Michael, My presence is seen, known by sound (singing in your heart, thoughts in your mind), sight, feelings, taste and smell. All of these physical senses are means to reveal My presence. Practice them, attend to them.

Alive in His presence

You can simply “know” My presence. This is when you “know” because your spirit, joined to Mine, becomes alive to My presence. You can literally know in the core of your being by the Spirit that I am with you.

Jesus’ acts reveal His presence

Lastly, you can know My presence by My actions. I do My works in your presence; you can see My works and thereby know I am with you.

For example, I can produce a reaction in a person you are talking to or ministering to. I can open doors or close doors for you. I can provide answers to your prayers or concerns. In short, My actions can reveal My presence. So, look for and pay attention to these manifestations as well. You can know My presence.

The great benefit of knowing Jesus’ presence

When you know My presence, you can more easily walk in accord with Me. You can see Me, follow My leading, and achieve the responses and outcomes that are in complete accord with My will. So walk with Me,  My child.

Once Jesus revealed Himself to the men on the road to Emmaus, they ran to tell their friends!  Experiencing Jesus’ presence solidifies our faith and encourages us to follow Him more closely.

For example, God’s presence became very real to me several years ago when I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a medically incurable cancer.  The shock of the diagnosis opened the door to fear.  That was when the Lord revealed His presence to me by manifesting His name – YAHWEH-SHALOM – the Lord our peace.   When I made the conscious decision to not have a pity party, I felt the gripping fear leave me and His presence descended on me like a blanket of peace that continues to this day.  I then began to seek His presence through His other compound names.  I experienced Him with me repeatedly as YAHWEH-RAPHA – the Lord who heals — and today I am healed! I saw Him also as YAHWEH-JIREH – the Lord will provide — as He has continually met my physical needs.

Can you remember a time when Jesus revealed His presence to you?   What did you experience?  How did you feel?  I would love to hear your comments and experiences.  The more we tell our stories, the more we all can benefit and grow in our faith.  You can share your comments below, or ask me any question by emailing me (contact Michael) and I will get back to you.  

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6 thoughts on “Being Aware of His Presence

  1. Michael-
    First of all, love your teachings/conversations!
    Once again, your current article Being aware of His presence was perfect for our needs.
    Thank you and please keep filling us with your conversations with The Lord.

  2. Thank you Michael for your wonderful, insightful and very helping blog on on seeing and hearing from Jesus! It is very practice and sound information that helps to build my faith walk and to find and experience the Presence and Assistance of Jesus! May God continue to bless you and Norma in you work and walk with God and Jesus!

  3. I find I do not always know His presence when it is happening, but after, sometimes I am wondering and realize things both then & long after. For example I was in the midst of a very sad time, praying, and out of my mouth, without thinking words, I loudly shouted “Wake up I’m here”. I got the message I was in a sleep of sadness like that over the apostles in Gethsemane, and that experience is always valuable to remember the oddity of it, it taking me out of a wrong place I was going, and the messages from it applicable to all times. Other times I have sensed that peace blanket you speak of, but you only asked for “a time”.

    • Hi Mark, it’s good that you had this experience of His presence. Remember, He is always new and His ways are always fresh.